contact EN


Please Contact me via e-mail: info [ät]
I am looking forward to read you.


I am allways looking for exhibition and teaching possibilities.
Also, I do take commissions and I am happy for requests to collaborate.
Please reach out to me for buying my artwork
or plenty of cards, stickers and zines at a time.
Also reach out if you are interested in selling my printed products.
Community owned businesses and collectively run shops are especially welcome.

You just want to grab a postcard or two?
Awesome, I have linked some shops that sell some of my cards, stickers and zines below:

Link zum Onlineshop von Transfabel.
Text: trans*fabel
Jenseits des 2-Geschlechtersystems
Link zum Onlineshop von QueerBooks.
In der Bildmitte sind 5 Buchrücken. Auf jedem steht ein Buchstabe des Wortes Queer. Darunter steht: Books. Am oberen Bildrand ist ein Streifen in Regenbogenfarben.
Link zur Paranoia City Buchhandlung.3 Personen lesen ein Buch. Darunter steht: Paranoia City Buchhandlung.

Link zur Webseite von Löwenherz.
Text: Löwenherz - die Buchhandlung für Schwule und Lesben
Link zur Website des Zapata Buchladen
Text: Zapata Buchladen
about this site

I want to create an accessible website.
There are many accessibility issues I do not yet recognize.
Often I do not have the energy to quickly improve the accessibilty.
Or I simply do not know how to do that yet,
because creating websites is not my job.
But everyday I learn something.
And I welcome feedback.